Merry Christmas
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and A Very Happy 2020. Enjoy time with family and friends, may 2020 brings joy, happiness and health to us all.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and A Very Happy 2020. Enjoy time with family and friends, may 2020 brings joy, happiness and health to us all.
We are now closed for the Christmas Holidays until 2 January. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.. Have great time with family and friends and I look forward to seeing you on first week in January.
If we have been doing a yoga practice for awhile then we probably already have a sense that we experience benefits from it. Maybe we feel stronger or more flexible. We might also have a sense of some mental benefits like better concentration. It’s interesting that researchers are validating what has already been reported as…
Our class next week routine is based on yin yoga practice, with use of bolsters to restore, relax and rejuvenate. Please remember to bring a blanket or a warm top and pair of socks for relaxation. I am looking forward to seeing you in our last class for this year and to have a chat…
What is Sthira and sukha? Sthira in Sanskrit means steady and Sukha means and comfortable. According to Patanjali Sthira and Sukha are the two important qualities of the asana practice. The posture should be steady.
Yoga is for anyone and everyone who has an interest in their health and fitness and overall their wellbeing. There are many aspects to yoga, from the obvious benefits of physical health, mind, meditation, pranayama, concentration and relaxation. All styles of yoga practice not only focus on toning, strengthening the body, increasing stamina and flexibility,…
Advanced notice Mondays 12:30 pm St Peter Church Hall Last class for this year is 9 December, we are going to practice winter warming yin yoga routine using bolsters and props, please bring a blanket or a warm top and pair of socks Mondays 7:15 pm Molesey Centre There is no class on 2 December at Molesey centre…
Yama 2: Truthfulness (Satya) The word sat, in Sanskrit, means “that which exists, that which is.” Satya, in turn, means “truthfulness”—seeing and reporting things as they are rather than the way we would like them to be. Practice Tip: Inwardly learn to recognise the cascade of fears and other negative emotions that prompt you to…
According to Patanjali’s Sutras, there are five Yamas in total : Ahimsa (non-harming or non-violence in thought, word and deed) Satya (truthfulness) Asteya (non-stealing) Brahmacharya (celibacy or ‘right use of energy’) Aparigraha (non-greed or non-hoarding) Yama 1: Non-Harming (Ahimsa) In Sanskrit the prefix A means not, while himsa means “harming, injuring, killing, or doing violence.…
I wanted to share with you some of the yoga principles and values as bite size articles on weekly basis starting with the Eight Limbs of Yoga;. The Eight Limbs of Yoga are: Yama (five moral restraints) Niyams (five observances) Asana (Postures/Physical Practice) Pranayama (Mindful Breathing Practice) Pratyahara (Turning inward/ withdrawal of senses) Dharana (Concentration…